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Toyota ja Lexus Optimointi Nyt Saatavilla

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  • Malli:

    McLaren 540C

  • Moottori:

    3.8 V8 Twin turbo 533 bhp

  • Vuodet:


  • Polttoaine:


  • Moottorin koko:

    3799 ccm

  • ECU Malli:

    Bosch ME17.8.3.2

McLaren 540C 3.8 V8 Twin turbo 533 bhp

Takaisin Malleihin

The McLaren 540C is mechanically indetincal (engine) to the 570S, it is simply a software detuned variant of the more powerful engine. As a result of this, the 540C gets an impressive power gain from stock and provides a huge transformation in the drivability of the car.

Saatavana Palvelut

Rev Limit removal

Valitse ajoneuvo